Have you ever told a lie?

Ha! I think it’s a rhetorical question. But have you ever told a lie in a very convincing way? The most convincing way that you could manifest? Because if you do it and say it often enough, at some point what happens is that you lose the difference and you  have to realize if these memories are true or false because it almost becomes real.

In school, we had to do creative writing, compositions. Let’s imagine scenarios (on various subjects) and create scenarios in our imagination, inventing stories. After one of these hours, one of my good friends has entered into a dispute with another classmate. This classmate take out flames on the nose.

I remember I asked him why he is so angry and accused my good friend that he had done what he invented in the composition class.

Now let’s expand this on NLP and Model of Communication NLP, one of the first things you learn in the NLP Practitioner course. We know that there is an enormous amount of information (pay attention to word ,,information,,) with which we are bombarded every moment in every day. Last time I checked there were about 11 million bits of information per second coming in our nervous system. Every second!

Use the word information because it is a neutral word that describes something that we receive through the our five senses ( the vision – what we see, the audio – what we hear,  the kinesthetic – what we feel within the sensations and also the emotions, the olfactory – which that smell and taste what gustativ).

Add to this that we do not perceive with our five senses but are around us and you get a incredible  amount of information. From this enormous amount of information you remain with a small wisp of 126 bits that over vam and process them consciously. Well, let’s see vs. 11 million 126 … hmmm … what does that say about how little we perceive from reality? So you perceive three dimensions of a number of “n” other dimensions also select a small number of bits of the three dimensions that you call your reality. Or in the jargon of NLP, the Model of Your World. (ML). So you settle in your ML and after you learn NLP Model of Communication realize that this is not all there is. You begin to ask yourself questions or to explain why other people seem to think so differently. But then you go home and get comfortable again in your ML.

Never look the notes from NLP Practitioner course because if you do it, you can find the notes you made for yourself that says: To keep in mind: RI (internal representation) of the event is not complete truth and the only truth about that event. My map is not entire territory. Remember that other people’s memories or interpretations of reality are different from my own. Remember to stay vigilant and notice this, because if you fall asleep again will misinterpret reality and create a false life for me. If you do not pay attention to this, I will live a life that is creative imagination of someone else and someone else’s movie. ” Many people live inside other people’s movies.  And they teach the story of the film thinking of someone else.  The film content will distract you from being a construction and eventually you will not even remember that this building is not even yours. Suggestions, things that “everyone” knows they are not factual television programming, movies and reality shows, the information coming from the family environment and the working environment; However there are ways of getting someone else to run a movie called “reality” for your life.

Suggestions, things that “everyone” knows they are not factual television programming, movies and reality shows,  the information coming from the family environment and the working environment; However there are ways of getting someone else to run a movie called “reality” for your life. If this is what you want, hey, go after it! Otherwise, using the knowledge and understanding that NLP offered you a how your mind works, do your best to create your own video and live. If yours is the least you can change ….

written by Adriana James and translated by Radu Chiriac agreement nlpcoaching.com.